Raman Workshop

The 7th ETH Zurich Raman Workshop will bring together renowned Raman experts and aspiring young scientists. Join us from 4–6 June 2025 at ETH Hönggerberg for an inspiring event at the forefront of Raman research.

Raman Workshop 2025

Logo 7th Raman Workshop

4 - 6 June 2025 | ETH Hönggerberg, HCI G 3

  • 04.06.2025: 10.15-17.00
  • 05.06.2025: 09.00-18.00
  • 06.06.2025: 09.00-16.00

Programme* Download download (PDF, 119 KB)

[Download SAVE THE DATE (ICS, 39 KB)]

Registration free of charge (please come back later)

*subject to change

Invited speakers

Portrait of a young Asian man with a slight moustache

Prof. Dr. Takuji Adachi
external page Adachi Research Group
Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Geneva (Switzerland)

Takuji (Taki) Adachi received his PhD from the University of Texas at Austin in 2012. He gained a variety of expertise during his postdoc experiences in Germany, New York, and France. Since 2019, he has been a tenure-track assistant professor at the University of Geneva. His team develops various in situ optical spectroscopy tools to understand the fundamental mechanisms of morphology formation.

6 June 2025, 11.00-11.45: In Situ Time-Resolved Raman Microspectroscopy to Study One Crystallization at a Time

Portrait of a caucasian man

Prof. Dr. Thomas Bocklitz
external page Photonic Data Science
Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (Germany)

Thomas Bocklitz leads the Photonic Data Science department at Leibniz IPHT and holds a professorship at the University of Jena. He specialises in data science and artificial intelligence for spectroscopy and microscopy, with a focus on machine learning and chemometrics for photonic data. Author of over 160 papers, he has received accolades including the Kaiser-Friedrich Research Prize (2018) and an ERC Consolidator Grant (2023) for the STAIN-IT project.

4 June 2025, 11.15-12.00: Combining Vibrational Spectroscopic Techniques With AI Based Data Pipelines to Maximize the Knowledge Extraction

external page Prof. Dr.-Ing. Silke Christiansen
Correlative Microscopy and Materials Data
Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS (Germany)

Prof. Giulio Cerullo
external page Ultrafast Spectroscopy Group
Physics Department, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

6 June 2025: Broadband Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy

Dr. Maria El Abbassi
external page Chiral Nano
ETH Zurich spin-off

Portrait of a caucasian bespectacled man

Dr. Rubén Esteban
external page Theory of Nanophotonics Group
Materials Physics Center (Spain)

Rubén Esteban did his PhD work on the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, receiving his title from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in 2007. After postdoctoral and fellow positions at Ecole Centrale Paris, CSIC, NIST and Donostia International Physics Center, he is currently a researcher at the Spanish National Research Council CSIC, where he works on nanophotonics and molecular spectroscopy with a focus on the demonstration of quantum effects.

6 June 2025, 09.00-09.45: Collective Effects in Surface Effects Raman Spectroscopy

Portrait of a caucasian woman with long hair

external page Prof. Dr. Karen Faulds
Bionanotechnology and Analytical Research Section,
Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Technology Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde (UK)

Karen Faulds is a Distinguished Professor specialising in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and Raman techniques for bioanalytical applications. She has published over 200 papers, secured £20M in funding, and holds 7 patents. Her research has earned prestigious awards, including the Charles Mann Award (2019) and the RSC Mid-Career Analytical Award (2021). She serves as an Associate Editor for Analyst and co-Editor-in-Chief of RSC Advances.

5 June 2025, 09.45-10.30: Sensitive and Selective Bioanalysis Using SERS and SESORS

Portrait of a caucasian bearded man with glasses

Dr. Harald Fitzek
external page Austrian Centre for Electron Microscopy and Nanoanalysis (FELMI ZFE)
Graz University of Technology (Austria)

Harald Fitzek started his work on Raman microscopy in 2014 with his PhD thesis on “Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy” at the Graz University of Technology. After finishing his PhD thesis in 2018, he became a senior scientist at the Graz Centre for Electron microscopy (ZFE), focusing on the correlation of Raman microscopy with all aspects of electron microscopy and simultaneously building up insitu electrochemistry Raman methods for the analysis of energy materials.

6 June 2025, 13.45-14.30: Correlating Raman and Electron Microscopy – Usual and Unusual Applications

Portrait of a caucasian bearded man with glasses

Dr. Carsten Flake
Energy and Process Systems Engineering
ETH Zurich

6 June 2025, 14.45-15.30: Raman Spectroscopy Lighting the Way in Chemical Thermodynamics

Portrait photo of a caucasian woman with glasses

external page Prof. Dr. Janina Kneipp
Department of Chemistry, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany)

Prof. Dr. Janina Kneipp is a distinguished German scientist and Professor of Physical Chemistry at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Her research focuses on surface-enhanced Raman scattering and plasmonic enhancement in multi-modal micro-spectroscopy. Prof. Kneipp has been honoured with several awards, including the Bunsen-Kirchhoff Award for Analytical Spectroscopy in 2010 and the Caroline von Humboldt Professorship in 2019. She is also a Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences.

5 June 2025, 11.00-11.45: Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering and the Characterization of Cells and Biophysical Models

Portrait of a caucasian man wearing glasses

Prof. Dr. Ralph Spolenak
Laboratory for Nanometallurgy
Department of Materials, ETH Zurich

Portrait of a caucasian man with glasses

Prof. Dr. Renato Zenobi
Zenobi Group at the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich

Renato Zenobi is a Professor of Analytical Chemistry at ETH Zurich, renowned for his work in mass spectrometry and his invention of tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. He is developing a mass spectrometric "chemical nose" with clinicians at the University Hospital Zurich that could revolutionise medical diagnosis. Awarded numerous fellowships, he received the 2017 ERC Advanced Grant, the 2019 ETH "Golden Owl" for teaching, and the 2023 ACS Award in Spectrochemical Analysis.

5 June 2025, 09.00-09.45: Recent Progress in Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy



  • Talks by leading Raman researchers
  • Young Investigator Pitches (call for abstracts)
  • Instrument demonstrations
  • Interactive session
  • Poster exhibition

More info below the schedule

Detailed programme schedule (PDF for download in the section above)

The Young Investigator Pitches will provide exciting insights into current scientific work conducted by early career researchers. The short presentations are an opportunity for up-​and-coming researchers to share their perspective on Raman spectroscopy.  

Call for abstracts

The Young Investigator Pitch is your chance to showcase your innovative research in Raman spectroscopy and compete for an award presented by the Raman Workshop 2025 Organising Committee. The award includes an electronic certificate and prize money. If selected, you will present your work in a concise, ten-minute flash presentation.

How to Apply

Submit an abstract (up to 300 words) highlighting the excellence and originality of your research. Additionally, include a brief explanation (up to 120 words) of why your work stands out (e.g., its novelty or exceptional results).


This opportunity is open to early-career researchers, including doctoral students, postdocs, and individuals in equivalent positions.

Submission Details

  • Applications must be sent to after registering for the Raman Workshop 2025.
  • Use the following format for both the email subject line and abstract title: "LastName-FirstName_YoungInvestigatorPitch2025"

Key Dates

  • Submission Deadline: 2 May 2025
  • Selection Notification: Before 21 May 2025
  • Presentation Dates: 4–6 June 2025 (during the Raman Workshop)

Selected candidates must attend the Raman Workshop to present their research. The Organising Committee will contact successful applicants to arrange their participation.

We look forward to receiving your applications and learning about your groundbreaking work!

Best regards,
The Raman Workshop 2025 Organising Committee

Manufacturers of Raman instruments will give short presentations with demonstrations, allowing participants to have a closer look at the latest developments in Raman spectroscopy instrumentation. They will provide practical guidance and answers concerning measurement setups.

Participants will have the opportunity to present their research in a nutshell to a small audience of like-minded Raman researchers, with only the help of a whiteboard and markers. Invited speakers and other participants will help you to find solutions for Raman-related challenges.

A diverse array of posters showcasing Raman spectroscopy will be on display. Take the opportunity to explore them while connecting with fellow Raman enthusiasts.

Raman Workshop Advisory Board

  • Prof. Renato Zenobi, D-CHAB
  • Prof. David Norris, D-MAVT
  • Prof. Ingo Burgert, D-BAUG
  • Klara Berg, MaP Executive Director
  • Dr. Miro Haluska, D-MAVT
  • Dr. Carin Lightner (Enantios)
  • Prof. Ilaria Zardo (University of Basel)
  • Prof. Burgi Gierlinger (BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna)


For further information, please send us an .

Best wishes,
The Organising Committee of the Raman Workshop 2025

Miroslav Haluska (D-​MAVT) - Chair

Siiri Bienz (D-CHAB)
Ario Cocina (UNISERS)
Mirjana Dimitrievska (Empa)
Ronny Kürsteiner (D‐ BAUG)
Ángel Labordet (Empa)
Sung Sik Lee (ScopeM)
Etienne Sciaroni (D-MAVT)
Katharina Anna Trapp (D-MAVT), and
Aishwarya Vishwakarma (D-MATL)
Chengcheng Xu (D‐ CHAB)

Josephine Baer & Barbara Lau (MaP Doctoral School)


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