2018 Raman Workshop

3-day workshop for junior researchers working in the field of Raman spectroscopy. After two successful editions in 2016 and 2017, we have been delighted to organise the 3rd Raman Workshop from 13-15 June 2018 at ETH Hönggerberg.

Dear Participants,

Another very successful edition of the Raman Workshop is already behind us. We are very happy to announce that this year over 100 participants registered, including 14 top-class international speakers. It is a clear indication this event has gained a very high significance for Raman Spectroscopy users all over Europe. As the organising committee, we did our best to provide the highest quality of presenters as well as to create a motivating and comfortable atmosphere for networking. Of course, all our efforts would have gone in vain if not for your active participation; therefore, we would like to thank you once more for your enthusiastic contributions. This year, for the first time, interactive session took place, and we believe it clearly triggered lots of vivid and fruitful discussions. Lastly, we hope the workshop met your expectations and that it was a valuable experience for you. Having all this in mind, we are very looking forward to seeing you in 2019!

Best wishes,

The Organising Team of the Raman Workshop 2018

Impressions Raman Workshop 2018

The Raman Workshop 2018 was intended to continue the success of previous editions (2016 and 2017), fostering the network of active Raman researchers, both in Switzerland and abroad. The workshop, featuring top-profile scientists from all over the world, was aimed at providing further insights into the various techniques and applications of Raman spectroscopy in science and engineering. Bringing together researchers from different groups and with different backgrounds will strengthen collaborative research, exchange of ideas and will help to find solutions for the persistent challenges of the science of today and tomorrow.

Keynote and Invited Talks (13-15 June 2018)

gave a chance to learn and receive advice from leading experts in the specific fields of Raman spectroscopy. Keynote speakers included the following professors of ETH Zurich; Lukas Novotny (D-ITET), Ralph Spolenak (D-MATL) and Renato Zenobi (D-CHAB). More details on the program and the full list of invited speakers can be found Download here (PDF, 116 KB).

Instrument Demos (13 June 2018, afternoon)

The Raman Workshop provided practical guidance and time for detailed questions and answers concerning measurement set-ups. Raman instrument manufacturers gave short presentations with practical demonstrations allowing participants to have a closer look at the latest developments in Raman spectroscopy in instrumentation.

Interactive Session (14 June 2018, afternoon)

Each participant had the opportunity to present her/his research in a nutshell (max. 5 minutes) to a small audience of like-minded Raman researchers, just with the help of a whiteboard and markers. In this way, we aimed to remove communication barriers, enabling an easy and constructive exchange and feedback among junior researchers.

Raman Spectroscopy @ ETH Zurich (15 June 2018, afternoon)

Before the Raman Workshop closed its program, participants have been informed about several possibilities how and where to do own Raman spectroscopy measurements at ETH Zurich, by representatives from ScopeM and BRNC - Binnig and Rohrer Nanotechnology Center.

Junior Talks (14 & 15 June 2018)

The three winners of the Junior Talk competition talked about their cutting-egde Raman projects. The three speakers were: Sebastian Heeg (Photonics Laboratory, D-ITET), Kang Soo Lee (Groundwater and Hydromechanics, D-BAUG), and Mads Weber (Ferroic Group, D-MATL).

  • Physical background of Raman spectroscopy
  • Surface and solid state sciences
  • Nanoscience and plasmonically enhanced spectroscopy (SERS and TERS)
  • Scientific exchange between the researchers


For further information, please send us an

Many thanks to the external page PhD program of swissuniversities which kindly supports this workshop!


Best wishes,

The Organising Team of the Raman Workshop 2018

Giovanni Luca Bartolomeo (D-CHAB),
Micha Calvo (D-MATL),
Guillaume Goubert (D-CHAB),
Miroslav Haluska (D-MAVT),
Jakub Jagielski (D-CHAB),
Tommaso Magrini (D-MATL),
Timo Niepel (D-CHAB),
Jolanda Vetsch (MaP) and
Larissa Schefer (MaP)



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