[Soft] Productive First Session of the Advanced Machine Learning Course

The course 'Advanced Machine Learning Techniques applied to Microscopy Data Analysis' of the MaP Doctoral School Soft Track taught by Prof. Giovanni Volpe from University of Gothenburg (Sweden) started on 5 October with an intensive first course session.
[Soft] Inspiring seminar by Prof. Matthew Webber

Prof. Matthew Webber from University of Notre Dame held a seminar on 'Bio-Inspired Soft Materials through Dynamic Supramolecular Motifs'.
Mechanobiology Seminar Series Launch Event

On 11 October 2022, the novel student-led Mechanobiology Seminar Series, organised by MaP Doctoral School and Dr. Céline Labouesse of Prof. Tibbitt's Macromolecular Engineering Laboratory, started out with its first seminar under the title 'Role of physical confinement in cell signaling & cell function'.