[Soft] Inspiring seminar by Prof. Matthew Webber
Prof. Matthew Webber from University of Notre Dame held a seminar on 'Bio-Inspired Soft Materials through Dynamic Supramolecular Motifs'.

On 22 September 2022, Prof. Matt Webber from University of Notre Dame explained to doctoral students of the 'Soft Materials' track how to rationally design soft materials for biomedical applications. His work is an elegant demonstration of engineering host-guest supramolecular recognition motifs to control the macroscopic properties of soft materials. Applications include the formation of hydrogels programmed to deliver insulin at the right time, thus mitigating the effects of diabetes. The event, organised by Giovanni Bovone (D-MAVT) and MaP Doctoral School, was followed by refreshments, giving everyone the opportunity to discuss the topic further and to network with likeminded people.