MaP Graduate Symposium Registration

Registration form for all participants

Please note: Your registration is only complete after you press SEND in the confirmation box appearing (two-step registration).

[Note for doctoral students only] Doctoral students interested to participate are required to be affiliated with MaP Doctoral School. To become affiliated, please sign up at For doctoral students the registration to the MaP Graduate Symposium is only valid if we can identify your student number in our database.
If your professor is not a MaP member but you'd like to attend the symposium, please contact us at .

Registration Form

Please fill in as many fields as applicable (will be used for name badges).


(talks and posters: MaP doctoral students only)

If you are registering for a talk, a poster, and/or a joint interdisciplinary presentation, please upload your abstract (for instructions go to the "How to" section on


I would like to receive a copy of the form content by email.

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