6th ETH Raman Workshop with over 140 registered participants

From 7 to 9 June 2023, the 6th edition of the ETH Raman Workshop took place at ETH Hönggerberg. The workshop featured talks by renowned Raman scientists, instrument demonstrations, young investigator pitches, and a small poster exhibition.

by Barbara Lau-Hauser

The Raman workshop took place over three days, from Wednesday 7 to 9 June 2023 at ETH Zurich Hönggerberg campus. It was the 6th edition of the workshop series and attracted 145 registrees. This is a new off-line registration record.  

The newly formed Organising Committee of eight ETH scientists and doctoral students identified and invited top-profile Raman scientists to give talks. The fact that so many accepted reflects the quality and reputation of the workshop. In total, fourteen talks provided insights into the various fields, techniques, and applications of Raman spectroscopy in science and engineering. Additionally, as in previous editions, a representative of an ETH spin-off company working in the field of Raman spectroscopy honoured the event with a speech.  

The organising committee encouraged young scientists to actively contribute to the Raman Workshop by giving an oral or poster presentation about their own Raman research. Three applicants were selected for so-called Young Investigator Pitch (YIP) talks by the Organising Committee based on excellence and novelty. They all obtained a YIP award. The winning poster was chosen by a secret vote of the participants. Congratulations again to the three YIPs and Best Poster awardees!

The ETH Raman Workshop 2023 provided excellent opportunities for networking between active Raman researchers both in Switzerland and abroad. Participants were also encouraged to ask questions after talks or to even present own research during the 'Interactive Session'. Invited speakers and other participants discussed various topics there and tried to help to find solutions for specific Raman-related challenges.  

The popularity and the impact of the Raman workshop attracted companies fabricating Raman systems to participate in an 'Instrument Demonstration Session'. There, participants could have a closer look at the latest developments in Raman spectroscopy instrumentation. It was also an opportunity to obtain practical guidance and answers concerning measurement setups and experimental possibilities. We would like to thank Horiba, Renishaw, Oxford WITec, and Anton-Paar for the presentation of their Raman instruments!

The Raman Workshop 2023 was a success in all aspects thanks to all participants, speakers, organizers, supporters, and sponsors. Our special thanks go out to the seven workshop sponsors, namely Horiba, Renishaw, EMPA, Springer, Oxford-WITec and Stat-Peel. Many thanks of course also to the main facilitator of the Raman Workshop, MaP Doctoral School of ETH Zurich.

The Organising Committee 2023

For more information we refer you to the dedicated Raman Workshop website.

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