Ethics and Scientific Integrity for Doctoral Students
We completed the second edition of the workshop Ethics and Scientific Integrity (Part 2) on 24 March 2023, with 15 participants from D-MATL, D-MAVT and D-HEST. In this one-day programme, doctoral students were guided to recognise and analyse ethically-relevant situations in their scientific research.

In a peer-learning format, different approaches to problem-solving were identified and trained, among others, through a role-play. To keep the interactive nature of the workshop, the number of participants was limited to 15. Thanks to Morgan Trassin, Sebastian Stepanow and Alessandro Lauria, co-hosting the course together with the MaP Doctoral School.
The regulations on the doctorate at ETH specify that doctoral students must acquire at least 1 ECTS by attending a course on “Ethics & Good Scientific Practice”. The collected feedback for this offer was very positive, for which reason the course is offered from fall 2023 onwards in the MATL course programme as an every-semester recurring course: 327-2226-00 Ethics and Scientific Integrity for Doctoral Students (MaP Doctoral School). Please visit our course website for additional info.