Material Strength
& Durability Symposium 2022

The symposium on 19-20 May 2022 brought together experts in material strength and durability covering both experimental and modeling/computational research, and discussed recent advances in our understanding of these material properties.

Material Strength
& Durability Symposium

co-hosted by professors Laura De Lorenzis (D-MAVT) &
David Kammer (D-BAUG)

19-20 May 2022
ETH Zentrum, MM C 78.1 (Alumni Pavillon)

Download Announcement & Program (PDF, 304 KB)

Strength and durability are key factors which determine the potential and limitations of materials applied in all disciplines of engineering. For this reason, the accurate prediction of material strength and toughness, the full control over material degradation due to environmental and long-term service conditions, and the optimal design of micro- and mesostructures for increased material performance and reliability are crucial challenges in the development of new technologies.

20 May 2022 (Friday)

The symposium aimed to create a forum for the doctoral students to hear about a wide range of exciting research in 'Material Strength & Durability'. To foster exchange with the speakers, doctoral students of the 'Strength & Durability of Materials' Track of the MaP Doctoral School were encouraged to give a Pitch (5 min or less depending on number of presenters) and received direct feedback from the expert round. They were also invited to the Symposium Dinner on Thursday evening.  

Many congratulations to Luca Michel for giving the favourite pitch of the audience!

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