MaP Graduate Symposium 2022
The 17th edition of the MaP Graduate Symposium took place on 1 September 2022 on ETH Hönggerberg campus.

About 200 participants joined the MaP Graduate Symposium 2022 - the annual platform to learn and exchange about latest Materials and Processes research at ETH Zurich. After two years of holding the event online, the MaP community enjoyed getting together in person again. The Download programme (PDF, 188 KB) featured 15 short talks by junior researchers, over 65 posters, and the ceremony for the MaP Award 2022, thus highlighting the variety of research projects at ETH Zurich. The abstracts of the scientific contributions and a list of participants are available in the Download symposium booklet (PDF, 5.6 MB).
MaP Award 2022
Dr. Alexandre Anthis (Nanoparticle Systems Engineering Laboratory (D-MAVT & Empa)) wins the MaP Award 2022, recognising his doctoral project as the most promising thesis in ‘Materials and Processes’ completed in the previous year at ETH Zurich. Also, the other two finalists, Dr. Tommaso Magrini (Complex Materials, D-MATL) and Dr. Nives Strkalj (Multifunctional Ferroic Materials, D-MATL), are acknowledged for their outstanding doctoral theses.

Poster Awards and Prizes
In a competitive process, the five finalists for the MaP Poster Award presented their research in 2-min Flash Poster Presentations. In the format, only paper and pen were allowed. Impressively, the finalists demonstrated not only their scientific foundations but also thrilling presentation skills. Many congratulations to Dominic Gerber (D-MATL, winner), David Klein Cerrejon (D-CHAB, runner-up) and Dimitar Boev (D-MAVT, 3rd place) - you convinced the audience!
The MaP People's Choice Poster Award went to Jelena Wohlwend (D-MATL) for her poster on "Mapping of Plasmonic Modes in Disordered Two-phase Metamaterial Networks".
Additionally, six Industry Poster Awards of CHF 500 prize money each have been awarded:
- external page avantama Most Significant Commercialisation Potential: Alexander Hernandez Oendra, (D-MAVT)
- external page BASF Sustainability: Daniel Notter (D-MAVT)
- external page Bosch Gruppe Schweiz: Ayca Senol Gungor (D-ITET)
- external page Pilatus Advanced Manufacturing: Jelena Wohlwend (D-MATL)
- external page Sensirion Smart Sensing: Rani Boons (D-MATL)
- external page Geistlich Regeneration: Stefano Menasce (D-MATL)
The MaP Mastermind 2022 is Steven van Kesteren (D-MATL). He answered the most scientific quizzes correctly. Congratulations!
In the MaP Best Image Contest, the audience voted for the contribution by Ayca Senol Gungor (D-ITET).

2022 Ideas Competition for Transdisciplinary Format
The development of transdisciplinary competences is all about preparing graduates to drive future transformations in the way Materials and Processes shape the world. To account for the transdisciplinary aspect, each year, the doctoral students of the School compete in a call for transdisciplinary formats. Both theme and format are required to be of broader interest and "mission-driven", with relevance to society and/or industry. The winning idea receives 25'000 CHF and organisational support from the MaP Doctoral School Office for its realisation.
The idea MaP Soft-Skill Winter Retreat "Time-Management" by Zazo Meijs, Xanthe Verbeek & Max Merkel was elected by the audience - we look forward to the realisation of the format in early 2023. Congratulations!
New Doctoral Student Representative in MaP Doctoral School Executive Committee
The institutional integration of the doctoral students within the MaP Doctoral School is provided through the participation of a doctoral student representative in the Executive Committee.
Many thanks to Zazo Meijs () for taking over this role from Murielle Schreck, who supported the framing and launch phase of the MaP Doctoral School.
Impressions of the MaP Graduate Symposium 2022

Photos by Michele McCoig (external page
Organising Committee
Claudius Dietsche (BSSE)
Eva Zunzunegui (HEST)
Nadia Enrriquez (MATL)
Thomas Moragues (CHAB)
Xueting Shen (MATL)
Yong Ding (BAUG)
Barbara Lau (MaP)
Larissa Schefer (MaP)

Previous MaP Graduate Symposia
- chevron_right MaP Graduate Symposium 2021
- chevron_right MaP Graduate Symposium 2020
- chevron_right MaP Graduate Symposium 2019
- chevron_right MaP Graduate Symposium 2018
- chevron_right MaP Graduate Symposium 2017
- chevron_right MaP Graduate Symposium 2016
- chevron_right MaP Graduate Symposium 2015
- chevron_right MaP Graduate Symposium 2014
- chevron_right MRC Graduate Symposium 2006-2013