ISOE Summer School in Cargèse, France (29.08.-08.09.2023)
Young scientists from all over the world got together in Corsica to learn about emerging topics in the field of oxide electronics. The summer school was sponsored by MaP Doctoral School.

At the end of Summer (29 August - 8 September), MaP doctoral students from ETH joined young scientists from all over the world in Corsica, France, to learn about emerging topics in the field of oxide electronics.
In this summer school, leaders in this field gave lectures on the fundamentals of magnetism and electrical ordering in materials, theoretical methods, thin films synthesis and technologically relevant computing schemes, and phenomena at oxide interfaces, to name but a few topics.
The wonderful location of the school and especially the proximity of the beach could only help the continuation of the discussions until late every evening.
MaP Doctoral School proudly sponsored the International School of Oxide Electronics 2023. MaP member Prof. Morgan Trassin (D-MATL) was part of the organising committee and also gave a speech.
More info on the summer school external page website