New MaP Doctoral Student Representative: Christopher Dreimol

Christopher Dreimol (D-BAUG) was elected as student representative in the Executive Committee of the MaP Doctoral School on the occasion of the MaP Graduate Symposium. He is succeeding Zazo Meijs (D-MATL) in this function.

by Barbara Lau-Hauser
Christopher Dreimol holding a microphone
Christopher Dreimol (D-BAUG) © Björn Bauhofer

The by-​laws of the MaP Doctoral School stipulate the appointment of a doctoral student representative to the Executive Committee of the School. In an uncontested vote, Christopher Dreimol was elected to represent the doctoral student body for the next year.

Christopher is a doctoral student in the “sustainable and bioinspired” track, studying under Prof. Ingo Burgert in the Wood Materials group. He has shown his initiative and enthusiasm for interdisciplinary activities by co-organising the Raman Workshop 2023. MaP hopes that Christopher will help improve the involvement of D-BAUG people in its activities.

Separately, Christopher Dreimol won two industry poster prizes at the MaP Graduate Symposium: the Sensirion Smart Sensing Poster Prize as well as the Avantama Most Significant Commercialisation Potential Award.

Many thanks to Zazo Meijs (D-MATL), MaP Student Representative 2022/23!

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