[Soft] Advanced Machine Learning Course Successfully Concluded
After three intensive course blocks between October and December 2022, the course 'Advanced Machine Learning Techniques applied to Microscopy Data Analysis' of the MaP Doctoral School Soft Track concluded on 17 March 2023 with students presenting their own machine learning projects.

Unlike for the three course blocks in 2022, which had taken place at ETH Hönggerberg, the course participants, Prof. Giovanni Volpe from University of Gothenburg (Sweden), and his three TA's (Benjamin Midtvedt, Jesús Pineda and Henrik Klein Moberg) this time met at ETH Zentrum. Prof. Lucio Isa, co-chair of the Soft Track and Director of MaP Doctoral School, took part in this last day of evaluation as well.
To successfully complete the course and receive their ECTS, the participants had to prepare a report and hold a presentation of 15 minutes each about the machine learning project they had worked on during the course. Congratulations Henrik Eliasson, Caroline van Baalen, Vincent Niggel, Dominic Gerber, Cristina Gentili, Seoho Jung, Maximilian Bailey, Arthur Girard, Caroline Pereira Martendal, and Jean-Marc von Mentlen on your achievement!
At the end of the day, MaP Doctoral School treated all participants to a dinner at the Alehouse.
Photo credit: Lucio Isa