Third Mechanobiology Seminar Event on Mechanics of Endothelial & Vascular Systems

On Tuesday, 13 December 2022, the third installment of the Mechanobiology Seminar Series was held at ETH Zentrum. Dunja Al-Nuaimi (Experimental Continuum Mechanics, D-MAVT) and Rodi Odabasi (Laboratory for Fetal Healing and Tissue Engineering, USZ) talked about endothelial cells and networks.

by Barbara Lau-Hauser

There were both regulars as well as new faces in the audience, which the organisers take as a testimony that people who attended previously have recommended it to others.

Dunja Al-​Nuaimi explained how important hydrostatic pressure is for endothelial cells, and how it differs in arteries (high pressure), capillaries (low pressure) and veins (no pressure). She demonstrated how with a careful bioreactor setup she can maintain cells under constant hydrostatic pressure. She then showed how pressure modifies cell migration and proliferation capacity, as well as the structure of cell-cell junctions (Cadherin-rich junctions). High pressure is expected to trigger sprouting of new capillaries due to cell migration, and indeed in this 2D model, already changes in individual and collective cell migration were seen.

In the second talk, Rodi Odabasi showed how 2.5D models for vascular networks can be created, using pre-cast hydrogels. He demonstrated the formation of both endothelial networks (with HUVECs) and lymphatic endothelial networks. He uses his platform for drug testing and further perfecting a perfusion system to add functionality to the vascular networks. 

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