[Soft] Labtour to Visit the Soft Materials and Interfaces Group

On 13 July 2022, the "Soft Materials Track" co-chaired by Lucio Isa & Athina Anastasaki held its first Softies Labtour.

by Zazo Meijs
Soft Materials Track of the MaP Doctoral School

The Softies Labtour at the Soft Materials & Interfaces group (Professor Lucio Isa) started with an hour-long discussion (with coffee & cake), bringing together doctoral students from the many different groups working on, and with, soft materials. Fellows from groups as diverse as fundamental, life sciences and engineering were challenged to explain their research to a "soft" audience coming from different backgrounds. The labtour itself allowed an in-depth discussion on the available research equipment and really opened the door for discussion on how everyone can all benefit from the wide research arsenal that ETH has. The “Softies” will definitely continue these informal tours, going to the central campus to visit the Product & Development lab (Professor Mirko Meboldt) next time!

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