Nensi Toncich and Konrad Papis win Scientific Skills Speed Dating Competition

Nensi Toncich from D-MATL and Konrad Papis from D-MAVT win the competition with their picture "2D meeting to discuss 2D ideas", showing their ongoing collaboration following the "Scientific Skills Speed Dating".

by Barbara Lau-Hauser
Konrad and Nensi sharing a presentation on Teams, making the victory sign with their right hand on their display image.
2D meeting to discuss 2D ideas

The Scientific Skills Speed Dating event was designed to bring doctoral students across departments together to foster scientific exchange. To ensure an effect beyond the event itself, participants were invited to send in a picture illustrating their continued collaboration.

The Organising Team carefully reviewed all submissions and decided on the winning team: Konrad Papis (D-MAVT) & Nensi Toncich (D-MATL). After countless online meetings, the OC members were impressed by Nensi’s and Konrad’s enthusiasm to “discuss 2D ideas in [yet another] 2D meeting”. The two received a voucher worth 150 CHF to further talk about their ideas, this time in 3D, i.e. over a dinner.

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